Sunday, April 11, 2010

UFC, AFL Saturdays...

List of shows I HIGHLY DOUBT I will EVER be keen to watch:

  • UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship *I didn't know what that was so had to have BJ explain it to me)
  • AFL (Australian Football League)
  • Cricket
Cricket & I, I've known for some time now, are never meant to be. The highly acclaimed UFC & AFL (according to my amazing boyfriend) I have only just come to discover is also a miss in my books.

These recent discoveries have come to be as of this Saturday. Enjoying a lazy Saturday at home hoping to get some control of the beloved remote but failing for somehow... the ENTIRE day.

List of shows I LOVE to watch:
  • Parenthood
  • Community
  • The Office
  • Say Yes to the Dress
  • Gilmore Girls
*to name a few

Things I have learned during my current week and 2 days here:
  1. Best times to watch the television are 3pm weekdays (boys are at the gym) & Tuesday nights (boys are at band practice)
  2. Spiders are inevitable. booooo
  3. Scrubs, The Office, How I Met Your Mother & NCIS are shows that work for the both of us.
  4. A cake/pie trowel is a cake/pie server.
  5. A baked sweet potato with butter and cinnamon is SUPERB. (like Christmas)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Settling in....

To my beloved family....

I miss you so dang much!

The past few days have been fantastic as I have been unpacking and setting up my room and also celebrating Easter with the amazing Magee/Singer/Wright family! My heart is full as I am still sitting with the joy of being with you all in California as well since I was in your presence days ago. Although it will be more than plenty of days until I see you again, I treasure all the memories I have and the great memories I was privileged to make over the past few months while at home with you.

Here's some photos of my new room!